
Twisted Tailor UK Voucher Code → March 2025

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Is the twisted tailor website secure ?

All transactions are secured and guaranteed. The Twisted Tailor website provides the highest level SSL encryption system to protect personal and payment data. Shopify Plus' Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Level 1 Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant, providing your customer data with the same level of security as a bank.

Can i cancel my order ?

If you have placed an order with us that you would like to cancel before it is dispatched, than it is best to call our customer service team, as emails are not usually caught in time to stop your order. Our system is fully automated, so we cannot guarantee that we will be able to catch your order in time.

Do you have regular restocks ?

The vast majority of our products are seasonal – once they’re gone they’re gone. However, if there is a particular style that we love as much as you do we may top-up a few sizes, our customer service team will always be happy to double check if we have any extra pieces coming in. We have a selection of classic twisted styles that will always be restocked.

About Twisted Tailor UK

THE REVOLUTION OF TAILORING, Twisted Tailor is proving that formal-wear no longer has to be formal. Taking inspiration from aspects of British culture - Influenced by the gritty, non-conformist attitude of the punk era, twisted with effortless styling and slick silhouettes. The brand turns traditional tailoring on its head and delivers skinny suits, shirts and outerwear that are adaptable to any wardrobe, for any event – be It skinny fit wedding suits, your everyday, wild weekends away or one-night stands – there is a piece in the collection for your personal style.

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