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How do i cancel my order?
If it's not yet been dispatched, we'll be able to prevent the items from being sent. If it's already been dispatched, then you would need to return the items once they reach us and be liable for the return postage costs
How do i amend my order?
If your order has not yet been dispatched, we will be able to cancel your order, and you can then place a new order for the correct items (double checking before submitting). If you order has already been dispatched, you will need to return the items to us once your order arrives, and can place a new order
What payment method do you offer?
We offer payments via debit/credit card, Paypal and Google Pay. All payments made via the Le Col website are encrypted using secure technology and your card details are not retained or visible to Le Col employees
About Le Col
Le Col was born from one pro-rider's push to create the best performance cycling apparel. Our founder, former GB cyclist Yanto Barker remains central to the development of Le Col kit. Putting his professional insight and hours of testing into every fine detail, it’s Yanto’s cycling expertise and pursuit of performance perfection that gives Le Col the leading edge
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